Today’s world puts forth the harsh reality often expressed by the saying, “The rich gets richer, and the poor gets poorer.” Observations thus far if I may be as bold as to say have not taken us anywhere in spite of all the ‘chats’ to reduce disparities amongst the citizens of today. Each nation works for its own and in its own light, always putting a national interest as its first priority.
We as the people, often comforted by the thought of our governments making the best decisions haven’t in actual fact grasped the bigger picture, being our world living symbiotically with each other. Asian countries have boomed over the past two decades making immense progress in all areas and at the same time having to ensure that social and economical growth remains constant to the growth. But as much as this has been productivity, it still lacks the extra edge in making several nations in Asia, first world countries. African nations, lack the funding and support ever since day 1. First world countries speak of assisting them in their efforts to curb the spread of diseases, to increase the standard of living but time and time again, news presents to us that these have only increased by a mere level. Conditions have never been more alarming.
The relentless efforts provided by first world nations in assisting the growth is not taken for granted, however, other nations should make it their nation’s interest as well. As it is, our world today has not been more fragile than it already is. A continuum of the drama fiesta occurs in the Middle East, the poverty amongst the third world countries making little progress, the social and cultural preferences causing all the division amongst ourselves, happen to be the slightest of exposition. And I haven’t even breached the many other issues we throw at ourselves so inexorably.
Can we not put our differences aside, leave history and the past to its own demeanor? Why not look forward? Leave the war, leave the killing. Enough damage has already been done. Think about the lives of all those who’s loved ones have been taken away from them, much too sooner. We, in Malaysia, are particularly lucky and blessed to not have these bitter occurrences displayed amongst us. It also doesn’t mean we should be complacent with our daily lives and live in ignorance.
I do not doubt the budget allocation of a nation for its defenses against the terror that might and could happen, however, to allocate a budget in the creation of weapons of mass destruction directed towards another, that I cannot and will not tolerate. Drawn down to the basis of matters, weapons were used to fight against enemies. The real question of our demeanor when ever a weapon or a decision to use a weapon is pondered upon should not be of what the opposition has done but rather who the real enemies are in the situation? Do these enemies really pose a threat to us? They too remain human and like us have feelings of defending their perceptions. But let’s try something new, let’s disarm ourselves and come to the bargaining table without prejudice without prejudgment. And for one, terrorism should not be made an overstatement as constantly as it has been over the past few years.
Religion no matter of what sort, teaches us to maintain peace among not only our own people of faith but that of others as well. Why is it so difficult to work on the commonalities? Where are the transparencies so frequently spoken about? The core of our beliefs has taken us that far, why not work at it? More importantly live it. I salute all those who have been working for the common good of the world, for the importance of lives and not the decisions to take them away. Your tireless efforts have not gone to waste, for alongside many others for fight for peace in their different ways; I too take notice and am proud to express my gratitude to you and make statements in the light of your works.
Good people of the world, as I have mentioned our world is fragile, no one man is above the rest. We are a world living in desperate times, and as much as desperate times would normally require the conduct of desperate measures, we should always remember to first reach out for peace and have peace being the only matter on our minds. As much as this is easy to say and difficult to do, we should always, always never give up on our hopes. Have faith in the faithless for it brings out the best in people. If life itself was ever easy none of these issues we have today would ever be brought up. A utopia would have already existed. Reality tells us no, so we dear readers, and most crucial of all, citizens of the world should make it our personal agenda in growing and living in the light of peace.
With peace on our minds, hopes persistent in our beings, faith imbued in us, and finally the love of our neighbors shown through our actions and our lives, maybe then can we truly enjoy the symbiotic progress, as people of this good earth, we are in so dire need of.
Listen to this:
1) Goo Goo Dolls – Better Days
2) Building 429 – The Space In Between Us
3) Carrie Underwood – Whenever You Remember
4) Jars of Clay – The Eleventh Hour
5) Natalie Grant – Held
Your actions remain so confusingly advertised. I have no idea as to whether I should or could have these feelings continual, but the subject matter I believe, shouldn’t be about my feelings but rather yours. So drawn am I to this attraction it causes an endless progression of hoping, thus I shall go on and dedicate the song ‘If You Leave’ for your thoughts and listening pleasure.
I’m going with it, for I’ve learnt over the past few weeks, you’re a great girl, and though at times a little self-absorbing, I’ll only be an extra burden and I’ve been fooling myself thinking this would be easy. But who knows maybe one day we’ll be perfect for each other.
Stay beautiful Kuching. Live every dream.